Seæ Inside
Natura Morta

Seæ Inside
New Age Flowers
Seæ Inside

‘Water is dead.’ That sounds like a joke: here we have clean water coming out of our taps 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Worldwide, the question really is: how long does water still have? ‘Water is life.’ Don’t close your eyes! Also here, it won’t take long before that will be the joke.

The sea was the womb for life on our planet. We still carry that sea within us, we consist of water. 

With this serie I reminisce the still lifes of the old Dutch masters, who used strong compositions of colourful flowers, light and symbols to refer to life and death I would like to invite you to turn your look inside, to see inside, and reflect on the importance that water should have in our time.

Text: Eva Gerrits

'You can lose yourself in a glass of water'

(6 photos of 16)